18 great bike rides in the Narooma - Tilba - Bermagui area of the New South Wales Far South Coast

Cycling Narooma - 18 great bike rides in the Narooma - Tilba - Bermagui area of the New South Wales Far South Coast

Ride 12

Bermagui to Camel Rock and Wallaga Lake

Return distance 18 kilometres

Easy grade

Start: Bermagui

This is an easy, scenic ride that takes you along the Bermagui walkway, past the Long Swamp nature reserve, Camel Rock and on to Wallaga Lake.

The ride starts in Bermagui. Take food and refreshments with you, as there are no facilities past Bermagui.

The first kilometre or so is along Wallaga Lake Road, which is the main road to Tilba.

The northern breakwater

Just after you cross the bridge over the Bermagui River (there is a footpath/cycle track on the western side of the bridge), you will come to a row of shops. There is an interesting diversion here. Turn down Wapengo Street, and soon you will be at the northern breakwater to the harbour. There is a walking track to the beach there.

Back to Wallaga Lake Road.

Bermagui cycle track

Ride a little further until you come to the BP service station on your left. Immediately opposite the service station is the start of the bitumen walking track, a multi-use facility used by walkers and cyclists.

Important wetlands

On your right along this track, there is a wetland that attracts numerous waterbirds. There is also a short boardwalk near the beginning of the track with tables and benches, and a track that goes to the beach.

Old Bermagui Road

Continue along the bitumen cycle track to its end at Keating Drive. Ten metres further on, there is another road—South Tilba Road. That is the road you should take.

Soon you will come back to the ocean. Continue on for a few hundred more metres to the end of the road—marked by a row of large boulders across the road.

This was the main road to Bermagui, until it was washed away in heavy seas during the 1950s.

Another wetland

For the next kilometre or so, you will have the ocean on one side, and the Long Swamp nature reserve on the other. Along the track, there are two bird hides. When there is sufficient water in the swamp, there are numerous waterfowl. By viewing the birds from the hides, you won’t disturb them, and they will just go about their daily lives.

You will come to the end of the track—again, this end will be marked by another row of large boulders.

To Camel Rock

If you are observant, you might see the start of an indistinct dirt track on the right of the road (still part of the Bermagui Walkway). If you find it, follow that through to the car park at Camel Rock. If you don’t find the dirt track, don’t worry, follow the Old Tilba Road until you join up with Wallaga Lake Road again. Continue on for about half a kilometre and turn right at the sign to Camel Rock.

Camel Rock

This is a very interesting feature. The rock was named for obvious reasons by Captain James Cook.

Viewing the whales

There is a viewing platform at the far end of the car park. You might be lucky enough to see whales in this area, especially in October and November.

Murunna Point

Here’s a treat for you. On the northern side of the Camel Rock car park, look for the track going up the hill. Take that because it will take you over the headland—Murunna Point. Over Murunna Point, it’s all single track. On the northern side, the track turns west, and you will be able to see a boardwalk in the distance. Follow the track to the boardwalk and the car park. A short ride up Wallaga Street will take you back to the Wallaga Lake Road.

Wallaga Lake

Back now on Wallaga Lake Road. You now have only another two kilometres to the scenic Wallaga Lake picnic area, with picnic tables, views across the water and to the entrance, and back over to Mount Dromedary. Numerous water birds frequent the shallows of the lake, including royal spoonbills, egrets, swans, pelicans, ibis and cormorants.

Return to Bermagui the way you came.

Map for Ride 12.